Ebook Prince Valiant Vol 6 19471948 Hal Foster Brian M Kane Books

Hal Foster's masterpiece of adventure enters its second decade as Valiant and Aleta journey to "The New World" a 16-month epic that allows Foster to draw some of his spectacular native Canadian backgrounds, and during which Aleta gives birth to Arn and acquires her Indian nurse, Tillicum. Most of the rest of the book is taken up with the action-packed five-month sequence "The Mad King" during which Val, back at Camelot, confronts the evil, fat little King Tourien of Cornwall.
This volume will be rounded off with an essay by Foster scholar Brian M. Kane (The Prince Valiant Companion) discussing Foster's depiction of "Indians" as it relates to other interpretations of the times, accompanied by various graphic goodies such as a previously unpublished camping cartoon by Foster from circa 1915, some of Foster's Mountie paintings, Foster's own map of Val's voyage to/from the New World, and more rare photos and art. As always, this volume is shot directly from Foster's personal collection of syndicate proofs, their glorious colors restored to create an unprecedentedly sumptuous reading experience.
Ebook Prince Valiant Vol 6 19471948 Hal Foster Brian M Kane Books
"Foster is in a holding pattern in this volume but the pattern is at a very high altitude. The two years of Sunday pages in this volume open with Val trying to rescue Gawain from a king holding him for ransom and ends with Val tracking down a king who had tried to conquer the Misty Isles and failing that, murder Aleta. In between there is a generous amount of violence, humor, romance, and other slices of medieval life. The primary character growth comes when Val's son Arn must cope with the first time he kills a man in battle.
As always, Foster's artwork is superb, his plotting well paced and exciting, and his characters, despite the lack of growth in this volume, are either likable or despicable as Foster can make them. Foster never bothered with the anti-heroic type that was beginning its rise as the strips in this volume first appeared. The closest he comes is with Val's friend, the marauder Boltar, who, when not helping Val is sacking towns.
The extras are not quite as generous as in previous volumes. We get no new biographical information on Foster. We do get a one page foreword by Neil Adams and some nice sample of Foster advertising art for Johnson outboards at the rear.
All the volumes in this series are highly recommended. I hope these books continue past the previous softbound Fantagraphics series but that goal is years away."
Product details

Tags : Prince Valiant, Vol. 6 1947-1948 (9781606995884) Hal Foster, Brian M. Kane Books,Hal Foster, Brian M. Kane,Prince Valiant, Vol. 6 1947-1948,Fantagraphics Books,160699588X,Form - Comic Strips Cartoons,Camelot (Legendary place),Comic books, strips, etc,Comic books, strips, etc - United States,Comic books, strips, etc.,Comics (Graphic works),Fantasy comic books, strips, etc,Fantasy comics,Graphic novels,Knights and knighthood,Princes,Anthologies,COMICS GRAPHIC NOVELS / Anthologies,COMICS GRAPHIC NOVELS / Historical Fiction,Cartoons,Comics Graphic Novels/Historical Fiction,GRAPHIC SATIRE AND HUMOR,General Adult,Graphic novels superheroes super-villains,HUMOR / Form / Comic Strips Cartoons,Historical Fiction,Humor,Humor/Form - Comic Strips Cartoons,Monograph Series, any,Non-Fiction,United States
Prince Valiant Vol 6 19471948 Hal Foster Brian M Kane Books Reviews :
Prince Valiant Vol 6 19471948 Hal Foster Brian M Kane Books Reviews
- in their infinite ignorance has included 220 Reviews of a totally different book with different content. This book came out in August 2017 and any Review you see before that date is for a totally different book.
Those Reviews are for Volume 15 in a previous Trade Paperback version of Prince Valiant. That book ran one year for each volume so the contents covered includes year 15 of Prince Valiants run.
These Hard Cover books also from Fantagraphics contain two years worth of material. So it is years 29 and 30 of the Prince Valiant run. The new version not only contains double the content but is reproduced and reprinted from a far superior source and has vastly superior reproduction.
This version also has an iillustratec introduction and art gallery put together by Brian M Kane. They are excellent and this volumes theme is other artists who worked on Prince Valiant. It includes a interview with Dell Comics Prince Valiant Bob Fujitani. The afterward art gallery has art from Mike Kaluta and focuses on the other Reprint efforts. These are excellent extras.
The main body of this Volume is a massive adventure opus the features Valiant young son Prince Arn(age 14) fulfilling the prophecy of his birth and help the Indian Tribes of the New World.
This long saga runs almost a year and a half and is a masterpiece. It starts with Arn trying to recruit a team of men (mostly Vikings) for this expedition. Being young he has leadership problems. They depart from England when the ice breaks and spend a whole year there told in real time. They must deal with the various different Indian tribes and head up the Saint Laurence Seaway. When Winter approaches they must prepare to stockpile to survive the harsh winter so they can make their way back east and make the Ocean Journey.
After Prince Arn returns we get a several month storyline that returns the focus to Prince Valiant as he goes under cover. King Arthur had heard stories that the Scotts and the Picts (once bitter enemies) are being talked into bonding together with the goal of attacking England. It turns out an old enemy is behind these efforts.
After this story resolved we conclude with several very small stories about Prince Valiant's family life. Val's wife Queen Aleta is mistaken for a mermaid and Valiants twin young girls are devolving crushes on helpless young men. In this case a handsome young squire.
This is an excellent Volume with beautiful reproduction and gets my Highest Recommendation
If by any chance you read my review and not the previous 220 Reviews which are for a totally different book that is no longer even in print. Please do me the courtesy of clicking on the "Helpful" button. The more people that click helpful, the higher ranks my review and the better the chance others will get to read a review of the actual book they are selling. - Fantagraphics Books, Inc. continues its ambitious and admirable hardcover reprint series of the 20th century's classic contribution to the Arthurian legends with "Prince Valiant Vol. 13 1961-1962," by master newspaper comic strip creator Hal Foster. This particular edition has a special appeal for this reviewer because it contains a personal favorite story in the adventures of the Prince of Thule, one in which he actually plays a supporting role. I first read this tale many years ago when Fantagraphics published an earlier reprint collection of the "Prince Valiant" strip in trade paperback form. It was showcased on the cover to Prince Valiant, Vol. 28 "The Savage Girl", released in 1985, and this critic wrote a review of that book, which I'll feature in part below, beginning with the words of Mr. Foster
"Far, far to the east a young girl, who has defied the laws of her tribe, stands before the elders and receives the death sentence 'Walk westward!' So she leaves the black tents of her people, who are bound by law to kill her should she face in any other direction. Ahead the barren steppes stretch, a waterless waste where a bitter wind ever blows."
So begins the tale of Taloon, a remarkably strong-willed and independent young woman, whose fate becomes tied to Prince Valiant and his son. As this story evolves, Taloon's tale deepens into a story of love, betrayal and tragedy. It was part of Mr. Foster's genius that he could create indelible archetypal characters within the confined space of the comic strip page. In Taloon, I feel he created one of the most intriguing characters in the entire long history of the strip,...and I consider myself very fortunate to have had the opportunity to read almost all of Mr. Foster's work on his masterpiece. The fact that Taloon is a free-thinking young female in the Middle Ages setting in which the strip takes place makes her all the more memorable. She is very much a contrast in comparison to the other women featured in the comic strip, particularly the lovely and beguiling Aleta. While the Queen of the Misty Isles often used her feminine wiles to get her way with men, including her doting husband, Valiant, Taloon used her intelligence and wits to survive in a harsh world.
While the tale of Taloon holds a special affection of this reviewer, this volume also contains other adventures of grand adventure, action and drama. Child kidnapping involving Prince Arn, and two of his friends; a journey to Rome, where Prince Valiant and his son see firsthand the corrupt decline of the once mighty empire; the discovery of a mysterious monastery seemingly guarded by the supernatural; the story of Wojan, a humble monk whose inspiring voice threatens the stability of the great kingdom of Camelot; and young Prince Arn, embarking on a solo adventure, ehthralled by tales of his father's youth. This single volume is a perfect showcase of "Hal" Foster's impressive ability to tell compelling stories in a variety of entertaining ways. And, oh yes...the artwork! What an awesome joy it is! The stunning vistas. The expressive faces. The attention to detail. The intimate set pieces. Perhaps most thrillingly on display is the awe-inspiring sense of another time and place. All these elements are revealed to the reader by one of the grand masters of the medium. This reprinting is far superior to earlier collections. The reproduction of Mr. Foster's line rendering is a delight to look at and the coloring wonderfully compliments the pen and brush sequential storytelling. The epic artistry of Mr. Foster is beautifully represented in this collection.
For lovers of tales "in the days of King Arthur," and to those who cherish great comic art, you will find both contained within these pages.
This entire series comes with my highest recommendation. - Foster is in a holding pattern in this volume but the pattern is at a very high altitude. The two years of Sunday pages in this volume open with Val trying to rescue Gawain from a king holding him for ransom and ends with Val tracking down a king who had tried to conquer the Misty Isles and failing that, murder Aleta. In between there is a generous amount of violence, humor, romance, and other slices of medieval life. The primary character growth comes when Val's son Arn must cope with the first time he kills a man in battle.
As always, Foster's artwork is superb, his plotting well paced and exciting, and his characters, despite the lack of growth in this volume, are either likable or despicable as Foster can make them. Foster never bothered with the anti-heroic type that was beginning its rise as the strips in this volume first appeared. The closest he comes is with Val's friend, the marauder Boltar, who, when not helping Val is sacking towns.
The extras are not quite as generous as in previous volumes. We get no new biographical information on Foster. We do get a one page foreword by Neil Adams and some nice sample of Foster advertising art for Johnson outboards at the rear.
All the volumes in this series are highly recommended. I hope these books continue past the previous softbound Fantagraphics series but that goal is years away.