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Allen Berry on Monday, May 6, 2019
Read Alan Dunn Tropical and Exotic Flowers PB Alan Dunn 9781780094540 Books

Product details - Paperback 144 pages
- Publisher New Holland UK; 1 edition (November 25, 2013)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 178009454X

Alan Dunn Tropical and Exotic Flowers PB Alan Dunn 9781780094540 Books Reviews
- To find this quality of instruction available in book form is a rare treat. I have been creating sugar flowers for about two years and started into this book with a moderate amount of experience. I do not find the instructions lacking for anything at all. Basically the approach is to demonstrate a beautiful arrangement of sugar flowers that may be mounted onto a cake. Then each flower is demonstrated in how to make it, and finally there is a description on how to combine the flower you have made into a finished arrangement that is ready to use. From that point of view each chapter is quite comprehensive in what it has to offer! Alan Dunn is one of the top great sugar artists of our time. It is an honor and a privilege to have a chance to own his teaching in book form. He also teach classes via video on the internet which is wonderful as well. I have mastered flowers in this book that I never imagined would be possible. Thank you Alan Dunn for sharing your love of sugar craft and your skill as an artist! I'm including a photo of an Blue Egyptian Water Lily that I learned from this book on page 77 through 79 and this was my very first attempt. Follow the directions and you too will be creating gorgeous sugar flowers for your cakes!
- I give this a four mainly because I wish there were a few more explanations in the making of the flowers. There are lots of beautiful pictures of the completed designs. There are some photos of the in-process project. The photo of the in-process are kind of the same through-out the book though. The parts of each project that are different are not specifically included in the photos. I am not an expert at gumpaste making or design, but I am not new to it either. Sometimes its a bit hard to understand. Thats why I think the other photos would help. All in all a beautiful design book. I have page-marked some designs and just plan on making them however I can lol. I also have several of his books. The books differ mainly in the photos of completed designs.
- I had ordered this book from MediaMall Retail, but it never made it to my doorstep. I was very disappointed as I couldn't wait to start making my tropical and exotic sugar flowers. When the Company learned that I did not receive it, they attempted to contact me several times to clear the matter up. I was having problems receiving their notifications, but eventually got them. After contacting them, they immediately resolved and refunded my loss, and gave me a "Goodwill" refund. This Company is honorable and I hope they'll do business with me in the future.
- alan dunn is very talented in sugercraft. All of his books are great (and I have several). I especially recommend his book Sugar Flower Skills, because of the detailed instruction on how to make sugar flowers look real (very clear and easy instructions, nice images to guide you too). and this one of course! Also love his Sugar Orchids book...hard to choose!
- It is more of the same from past books, not much new. I own almost all of Alans books, so I know. I am one of his fans and would love to see some new flowers and or different colors.
- I purchased this book for my niece who is learning cake decorating and every year I purchase a book for her. This year I wanted her to expand her knowledge and make some wonderful tropical flowers for her friends & family and this book certainly had that to offer.
- This is an excellent book on tropical flowers, I am very happy because you cannot find this type of instruction easily. Alan did a wonderful job like with everything he does. I love this book.
- Gorgeous pictorials, perfect floral sugarpaste specimens. The level of detail and artistry makes it one to behold and refer to. Love all his books!