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Allen Berry on Sunday, May 5, 2019
Ebook Mindsets and Moves Strategies That Help Readers Take Charge [Grades K8] Corwin Literacy Gravity Goldberg Books

Product details - Series Corwin Literacy
- Paperback 240 pages
- Publisher Corwin; 1 edition (October 2, 2015)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1506314937

Mindsets and Moves Strategies That Help Readers Take Charge [Grades K8] Corwin Literacy Gravity Goldberg Books Reviews
- Dr. Gravity Goldberg's latest professional gem, "Mindsets and Moves Strategies That Help Readers Take Charge", is an inspiring resource guiding us to help all readers feel empowered to take ownership over their reading identity. While many approaches to inspiring educators to make shifts in practice focus on changes in current classroom practice alone, Dr. Goldberg challenges us all to reflect on our identity, beliefs, and values as educators while examining the way we position ourselves with the readers we support. Reflecting upon our practices and the beliefs that inform these, Dr. Goldberg presents straightforward, practical strategies to approach all readers with respect, admiration, and curiosity. She outlines ways to research, reflect, and react to readers in a supportive way that helps them strengthen their identity as readers and encourages them to take ownership over their role as budding readers, thinkers, and talkers.
Dr. Goldberg concretely outlines ways we can encourage readers to create an independent, thoughtful reading identity. She clearly and concisely presents four roles educators can embody to make space for this transformation to happen. These 4 Ms Miner, Mirror, Model, and Mentor are artfully presented in easy-to-read, colorfully designed chapters that include images from classrooms she supports. A highlight in this resource, Chapter 4 "Creating Spaces for Ownership", she gives her readers a visual tour of classrooms that exemplify spaces where this important work of admiring and supporting readers lives images and ideas include classroom layouts, touring reading notebooks, analyzing student notes, and studying classroom charts.
Throughout "Mindsets and Moves", Dr. Goldberg weaves antidotes from her life, from her decades-long collaboration with educators, and relevant citations from scholarly research. Readers are delighted to follow this journey of classroom practice transformation and shift in teacher role with Gail, a teacher Dr. Goldberg works closely with and highlights in this resource. These antidotes and reflections are relatable and real—we see ourselves in Gail and her colleague’s journey, as they transform their classroom culture and their role within their reading community.
Enjoy the transformative journey Dr. Goldberg takes us on as you read her latest gift to the reading community in “Mindsets and Movesâ€â€”you’ll find that not only will your readers experience a new-found ownership over their reading identity, but your identity as an educator of readers will be forever transformed. - It's hard to find books that are a combination of practical and inspirational, but this book is one of those rarities. I wish I could take more time to review this thoroughly (and maybe I will be able to come back and do so after my daughter gets past the threes), but here are some highlights
1) Beautifully produced! Not going to lie--the color photographs, thick pages, book flap that you can use as a bookmark, helpful graphs and sidebars all grab your attention and make this such an appealing read. Pics of reading notebooks, classrooms, supplies, etc..
2) Content! The content is familiar if you have been doing workshop for a while (in a good way!) but a) it's presented with a fresh lens e.g. being a miner, mirror, model, and mentor (similar to the four parts or so of a conference--research, feedback, teach, link, but elevated) b) integrated more clearly with the purposes for these parts c) it makes it more "doable" with the practical parts like p. 95--clear things to look for when researching a reader-- d) it helps you delve more deeply into the workshop if you've been doing it a while.
3) I honestly think this is good for newer teachers/educators/admins, but our group of veteran workshop teachers gleaned so much from this read. Perhaps if you are completely newer to the workshop, you may want more background on where this fits in, but I think this book motivates and takes the pressure off all of us to try it out and be that positive voice in young readers and writers' lives. (Yes, it's a reading book, but it can definitely be applied for writers).
4) I think p. 60 in and of itself is a gem and worth buying for. I've been conferring on the "reading process" for years, but this visual helps me actually put the reading process up for students to see and help them to be able to speak more clearly and purposefully about their reading processes. I think this page is great thinking and talking more about as a group of teachers.
5) This book in some ways reminds me of Colleen Cruz's book on Independent Writers. Our job is to help readers "do well" in reading, but more importantly to take that work on for the rest of their lives. I am sure that the advice here will help me move students to that sort of independence that creates thoughtful, critical readers and people that will eventually affect others.
Thank you Gravity Goldberg for an interesting, worthwhile read and for a beautiful book that challenges our practices around reading. - Teachers have so much that they have to fit into their day, and sometimes it seems that independent reading becomes an afterthought. Mindsets and Moves helps to refocus teachers so that independent reading becomes the FOCUS. Gravity gives us simple steps to follow to be miners, mirrors, models, and mentors for our students.
I particularly like all of the visual examples of anchor charts, minilessons, student sticky note examples. Seeing how she makes learning public for her students, so that they can use it as a tool has helped the teachers that I work with.
In Mindsets and Moves, we learn to be admirers of students- to study them with wonder and awe. I am certainly an admirer of this amazing book for teachers! - Get ready to view education through an "admiring lens" with Gravity Goldberg's new book, Mindsets & Moves Strategies That Help Readers Take Charge. This book is like a step by step guide for teaching and learning. One that leaves teachers with a sense of direction and fulfillment and much needed optimism for the work lies ahead for all of us. Her five step process Setting a Purpose, Observing the Reader, Asking Process Oriented Questions, Listen, and Collect are like following a recipe for success for all learners. This book is a must read for new and experienced teachers alike.
- This is an very practical, very helpful book about helping students taking ownership of their learning. There are many helpful literacy practices in this book. I have several ideas bookmarked for fall!
- This is a powerful yet practical resource for inservice teachers looking for the next step with moving their Readers Workshop to take a student centered approach. The book includes pictures of classrooms and student products in full color.