» Read Online Django Unleashed Andrew Pinkham 9780321985071 Books
Allen Berry on Thursday, May 9, 2019
Read Online Django Unleashed Andrew Pinkham 9780321985071 Books

Product details - Series Unleashed
- Paperback 840 pages
- Publisher Sams Publishing; 1 edition (November 19, 2015)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0321985079

Django Unleashed Andrew Pinkham 9780321985071 Books Reviews
- I am a software engineer with over 20 years of experience. I have been working with Django for approx 4 years and I have read several Django books. When it comes to books on programming I like to buy the physical books, not ebooks.
I bought this book because I saw an excerpt on line from the section "Optimizing Our Site for Speed" and really liked what I read.
Once I got the book I started at the beginning to see how Andrew presented the information and immediately felt "I wish I had this book when I was learning Django". Just make sure that you realize that he starts out showing you different ways to do things that he builds upon and then by the end of the section he shows you the correct or preferred way to do them. I felt the material was presented very well and that it is a goldmine of how to properly work in Django. - Django Unleashed is definitely not a quick start guide. If you are looking for a "getting up and running" book I guess you need to look elsewhere. Instead what Django Unleashed offers is an educative guide in how Django works, how the applications are organized and how the stuff is glued together. When you are finished with Django Unleashed you will have a very solid understanding of how Django works. The example application used is complex enough to expose the reader to different sets of problems within the url namespace. It shows how to best use Django, and how you can tweak it using object oriented principles if some feature is missing. Django Unleashed should be the first book you read if you want to learn Django. Then you can shop for "Two scoops of Django" and "Test-Driven Development with Python" for Django best-practices and Django testing respectively.
- Almost every chapter does this annoying thing where it leads you through one way to do something, then says no wait, do it this way, and then says nevermind, you should really do it this way.
This book was a good attempt to teach django but I'm learning more just reading the django docs. For beginners, I recommend tutorials like djangogirls and then moving on to the docs. - This book is just so well written that you know it took the author (and the review team) a ton of time to produce such quality publication. It is so devoted to teaching you not only Django (which it does well), but through intentional reminders and/or restatements in alternative wording just to ensure you get it, other important concepts and detail, too.
Here's an example of wording, taking note how the author anticipates a question you will probably have and answers definitely
BEGIN (on page 41 of the physical book)
This code is not intuitive, because the way it is written implies a direction between Startup and Tag objects, just as there is with one-to-many relationships. However, there is no direction with many-to-many relationships. We could have just as easily created this relationship in the Tag model by adding an attribute startups that was a ManyToManyField(Startup) . You’ll note that we have not done this we need add only a single field to a single model to create a full relationship. The model you pick to add this field is entirely up to you and will not affect the relationship.
This kind of detail and extra exposition is all over the book and is part of what makes it so wonderful. The author and Sams Publishing editors are to be commended for not cutting corners.
Well done! - I am new to Django and know some basic to intermediate Python. This book is very informative and tries to teach by building a website about startups from the ground. The first half of the book is manageable and I would give four stars for the first half of the book, but things started to get complicated when the author starts to introduce Generic Class Based Views. Those views have tons of default class methods behind the curtains, and even though the book split the topics into 2-3 chapters, I still feel a bit confused after rereading them twice. My biggest problem, though, is at around Ch. 22, when the author is trying to override Django's Authentication with a Custom User. After I follow the instruction to delete the database, and try to do the migration for the User app, I got stuck. Django keeps saying there was this undefined field 'username' in the Form.py of the user app. I try to use the authors code on github but get the same result. I was so frustrated and since my User app is not working anymore, I can't work on half of the Chapter about Admin app following Ch. 22...
- This is the best Django book I came across. It covers the framework by using a book long example and does so in a way that is not exhaustive but rather interesting and fun to read. The book progresses in a linear fashion and is very clear all throughout. Although it uses an example to teach how to use the framework, it also goes into theory and implementation details where needed. I highly recommend this book to anyone with Python background who wants to learn how to use Django to build a web app!
- Amazing book, if you are new to django framework, you will find some difficulty starting from chapter 3, up until chapter 5 but then things should start to make a lot more sense.
I think a new edition must be written for this book specially that starting from django 2.0 many changes have been made, specially to the use of the url configuration. - ðŸ‘